It's been stolen, hasn't it?Traducción en inglés
 Its been stolen, hasnt it?
It's been stolen, hasn't it?
Ha sido robado, ¿no?

15 unidad 15 avanzada (ES)

It's been stolen, hasn't it?
Ha sido robado, ¿no?
My purse has been found, hasn't it?
Han encontrado mi bolso, ¿no?
You haven't left it on the bus, have you?
No lo has dejado en el autobús, ¿verdad?
They built it last year, didn't they?
Lo construyeron el año pasado, ¿no?
They weren't stopped by the police, were they?
No fueron detenidos por la policía, ¿verdad?
You'd get fired, wouldn't you?
Te despedirían, ¿no?
She hasn't got any money, has she?
Ella no tiene dinero, ¿verdad?
My point is clear, isn't it?
Mi punto es claro, ¿no?
He will never come here again, will he?
Nunca volverá aquí, ¿verdad?
They used to go to school together, didn't they?
Solían ir juntos a la escuela, ¿no?
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