might have Traducir inglés
They might have come in.
They might have come in.
Es posible que hayan entrado.

6 unidad 6 avanzada (ES)

They might have come in.
Es posible que hayan entrado.
I can swim.
Puedo nadar.
She could be swimming.
Podría estar nadando.
He must have gone to sleep.
Debe haberse ido a dormir.
She should be seeing the doctor now.
Debería estar viendo al médico ahora.
You may come in.
Puedes entrar.
You could've done it easily.
Podrías haberlo hecho fácilmente.
It can't have been my aunt.
No puede haber sido mi tía.
You should have done it earlier.
Deberías haberlo hecho antes.
She should've done it by now.
Ya debería haberlo hecho.
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Adv 300x250 right 1 Adv 300x250 right 2 thang long lai xe Adv 300x600 right 1 Adv 300x600 right 2 Adv 300x250 right 3
Adv 930x180 bottom
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